I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Some have been the same all these years
Some came into being in the course of one night.
I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Some on paper, locked in my heart
Some I erased, redrafted with tears.
I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Some I turned into my whimsical reality
Some I had to edit because I'm realistic.
I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Some make me quit because I'm pessimistic.
Some make me see beyond the difficulty.
I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Cannot draw the future, but I can sharpen it
Can only scribble until dreams become clear.
I use a pencil when I write down my dreams
Will protect them from rain so they won't smear
Will not stop until I find the shoe that fits.